Speak Up and Out to Government


Voting is the essence of democracy. Voting in the United States is voluntary. Some people vote in person at the polls, while others vote by mail days or weeks before the actual election date. Regardless of how you do it, it’s important that all U.S. citizens who qualify participate in the democratic process of electing public officials.

For more information about what you need to do to be sure that you can vote in upcoming elections in your area visit https://www.vote.org 



Contact Your Elected Government Officials

Go to the Washington State Government website District Finder to locate the names and contact information for your legislators. http://app.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/

5 CALLS : Use this phone app to instantly access your current legislators. Go to this link on your iphone:  https://5calls.org/


Find Your State’s Federal Legislators




Spokane City Office of the Police OmbudsmanThe Office of Police Ombudsman exists to promote public confidence in the professionalism and accountability of the members of the Spokane Police Department by providing independent review of police actions, thoughtful policy recommendations and ongoing community outreach. Need a complaint form?

Spokane City Police Department Complaint – (be sure you get the name of the officer at the time of the incident) https://static.spokanecity.org/documents/police/accountability/citizen-complaint-form.pdf.  

Spokane County Sheriff ’s Department Complaint – (be sure you get the name of the officer at the time of the incident) www.spokanecounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/3955.    

Washington State Human Rights Commission (for unfair work termination or housing issues) http://www.hum.wa.gov/discrimination-complaint?page_name=complaintProcess


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