Spokane Helps the Development of the African Continent

Spokane  also has its share of those who are part of the African Diaspora, including Ugandans, Kenyans and South Africans. Quoting the article below “… many of her nationals went overseas to earn an education or seek greener pastures. Today, all these Ugandan sons and daughters are mockingly referred to as “Nkuba Kyeeyo”or Kyeyoists” crudely translated as “menial workers cleaning foreign streets for a living after leaving Uganda.” The author makes the point that this is not true. Some may have begun at such menial levels but many have taken advantage of every opportunity and become pharmacists, bankers, politicians, ambassadors, health administrators and media producers. They certainly are not “Nkuba Kyeeyo”!


Alfred Mutua Starts MachaWood

Spokane African American Voice’s editor and graduate of Whitworth and Eastern Washington University, Governor of Machakos County, Kenya, Dr. Alfred Mutua jump starts Entertainment Centre for Film, Media, Music and the Arts:   Full Story

Rwandan Artist in Spokane

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INEMA Arts Center SHOWS In Spokane

Viewers came to see the art of Emmanuel Nkuranga and to meet the artist. Visitors who came found a story about Emmanuel, his mission and the children of Rwanda who are changing their lives with art. (click on text below to enlarge)

Art with a Mission

View Photos Of The Art Lovers

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Dodsons Rwandan Art Dodsons Rwandan Art2


Mara D'Amico, Christine Sumner,  Jillian,Underwood and Angela Bukenya,

Mara D’Amico, Christine Sumner, Jillian,Underwood and Angela Bukenya,

Clinton School Winners South Region Policy Solutions Challenge

The Clinton School hosted the inaugural South Region Policy Solutions Challenge USA event this past weekend.  Three teams competed.  In addition to the Clinton School, there were teams from the School of Economic, Political, and Policy Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas and the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
After the judges submitted their scores, the Clinton School team was announced as first place winner with Georgia Tech taking second place.  Both teams will be invited to attend the final competition being held March 22-23 at the American University School of Public Affairs in Washington, DC.
Please take time to congratulate Clinton School team members Angela Bukenya, Mara D’Amico, Christine Sumner, and Jillian Underwood on the terrific job they did!


Susan A. Hoffpauir, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Textbooks for Ugandan Grade School Children


Angela Clinton

TEXTBOOKS for Ugandan Grade School Children


Greetings from Uganda!

My name is Angela Bukenya, a Clinton School of Public Service graduate student. I was born and raised in Uganda, but currently residing in the USA.

In addition to the skills i have gained as a student, i have been working to raise funds to assist the Nakisenyi Foundation Nursery and Boarding School in Uganda, based on a needs assessment, to help improve their education. Of immediate need for 254 students, is textbooks that they can use for the entire year that will cost less than $10 each.
I am therefore asking everyone with the same passion, to join me in accomplishing this goal through a donation of any amount.

If you can please be a part of my personal project, together we shall make a difference in the lives of these young ones.  Thank you in advance!

Textbooks for Ugandan Grade School

Reinvent Your Style with Afrique-Chic!


Tekay Designs

A new year starts a new season for spring styles. It’s time to clean house and prepare for a new you. Make a resolution to start by renovating your style with Afrique-Chic fashions.

The term Afrique-Chic defines the chic ethnic creations by today’s trend-setting Afro-centric Fashion Designers and beauty artists. The colorful patterns connect art and beauty with vitality and spirituality. Glam and glow …with flattering, floral and bright summer dresses. Colorful fashions are vital for perking up your confidence and self esteem. The Houston, Texas fashion house, TeKay Designs diligently creates Afrique-Chic fashions from a diversity of African cultures and traditions. TeKay creates custom and ready-made ethnic fashions for various occasions including casual, semi-formal, evening gowns, and party dresses to help you reinvent yourself and look good any time, anywhere.

This season, TeKay has launched a fashion show tour through out the “Lone Star State” to introduce Afrique-Chic dresses to the urban areas of Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston Texas. “For this season” states TeKay Design’s Creative Director Kimma Wreh “…we’ve continued the ethnic line using multi colored fabrics, authentic Ankara fabrics, Hollandais fabrics, and Kikoy fabrics from Kenya. The collection includes sexy tops, jackets, pantsuits, short dresses with detachable trains and complimented with traditional head pieces and scarves.”

Many women aspire to own at least one beautifully executed Afrique-Chic garment because the dresses are endearing. The fabrics have meaning and cultural history. The universal law of attraction works with colored fabrics. The color you wear attracts the right type of energy and spiritual vibration. Style changes can help you to lift your spirits and be your best self. Let’s embrace the idea that women are dynamic and are constantly changing their looks. Like the seasons, the concept of change is good! The spirit of Afrique-Chic makes you feel better!

TeKay Designs is a renowned online and mail order fashion house that offers custom designers and ready-to-wear ethnic and modern bridal, formal, casual maternity and jewelry. TeKay Designs features handcrafted pieces that appeal to those who appreciate elegance with a contemporary twist. TeKay Designs is most noted for providing unique ethnic wear and contemporary pieces for customers in the U.S.A and international customers. TeKay Designs has been featured in the following: New York Times, Get Married Magazine, Bridal Guide Magazine and African Vibes Magazine. The company facilitates production in Ghana, Africa and Houston, Texas.

The After Life Of An AAVoice Staff Member

Student Studies in Zambia:
Lorenzo, Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership (MATL)

Lorenzo Herman, S.J. is a current student in the Master of Arts program in Transformational Leadership (MATL). We met with Lorenzo recently to learn about his summer trip to Zambia as a part of his internship requirement in the MATL program.

When Lorenzo began the program Fall of 2011, he said that his interest immediately peaked when Dr. Sharon Henderson Callahan, Associate Dean for Academics & Student Life, mentioned in orientation that the internship requirement for the MATL could be fulfilled nationally or internationally through the School’s interdisciplinary options– including through Seattle University’s Nonprofit Leadership, Public Administration, Business and Law programs among others.

For eight weeks this past summer, Lorenzo lived in, explored and researched in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, while traveling to other cities within the country on assignment. Lorenzo was based within the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection in Lusaka, a centre highly respected throughout Africa for its focus on advocacy for social conditions, faith and justice, outreach and economic efforts. Centre founder, Peter Henriot, S.J., has taught on social analysis at Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry over the years, and his social analysis method is used in the Master of Arts programs in Transformational Leadership, Pastoral Studies, and Transforming Spirituality as well as the Master of Divinity program.

The Centre, along with 26 other organizations that make up the Civil Society Constitution Coalition, is working rigorously with the Zambian government on the first draft of their Constitution and meets weekly at the Centre. 

Prior to his visit, Lorenzo had studied the Constitution at length, and upon his arrival attended meetings with key political figures and stakeholders. In the Constitutional framework, one priority was to include clauses of non-discrimination, including for individuals that have disabilities. The Coalition was finding that the families of individuals with disabilities were directly and indirectly affected by the Constitution, and needed explicit clauses of inclusivity and equality that were monitored and enforced in the community. There were not any representatives from the special needs population or service organizations in the Coalition at that time and some research was needed to further their work on the Constitution.

Lorenzo set out to visit the Ng’ombe compound in Lusaka as a part of this research. Many children throughout Zambia struggle with autism, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, and down syndrome, among other special needs. There is a special needs school within Ng’ombe called Little Assisi Day School, run by an Irish Franciscan sister, Sister Helen Scully, who also has a background in special needs education. The staff at the school do far more than teach–providing extensive support to mothers and special needs children in the community: from teaching, to healthcare, to home visits, to providing basic supplies for the families.

Lorenzo visited the School and spoke extensively with its staff–asking if he might be able to  interview the mothers of special needs children to find out more about their experiences of medical and social systems in Zambia to provide recommendations to the Centre and Coalition in their work on the country’s Constitution. Lorenzo then interviewed 18 mothers, with the support of two incredible teachers at Little Assisi: Edith and Paula. Each mother that Lorenzo interviewed worked intermittently while living in the community, had 0-6 years of education, had high hopes for their children, families and community, and all experienced some form of discrimination, shame and guilt from their communities because of their children’s struggle. Some reoccurring themes in their stories included housing needs, the lack of food and medical care, desire for self-empowerment and entrepreneurship, and hopes for employment and better transportation. It took two days for Lorenzo to type out 55 pages of notes from these interviews, which he then presented to colleagues from the Centre for evaluation. After evaluating themes as well as their subtexts/contexts that illuminate further their similarities and differences, Lorenzo drafted a succinct list of recommendations for the Centre and Coalition in their work.

This experience is close to both heart and home for Lorenzo, since his sister Leslie was born with hydrocephaly and cerebral palsy, and has experienced multiple surgeries and medical treatments over her 26 years. She currently participates in integrated educational programs and social programs in the community, while benefiting from disability benefits in the United States. Lorenzo shared throughout his interviews of special needs children’s mothers, he often thought of his own mother and her strength and struggle in supporting his dear sister.

Below are photographs from Lorenzo’s trip.

Lorenzo presented his qualitative research study entitled “The Mothers of Children With Learning Disabilities in Lusaka, Zambia” at the School on Thursday, November 29th, from 4:30-5:30pm. The study’s objective was to use the collected information and to make recommendations to the Jesuit Centre of Theological Reflection and to those local and national disability advocacy groups to facilitate making recommendations to reduce the burden of disability discrimination and stigma in Zambia. The focus of this research study was to learn how mothers who have children with a learning disability are affected by their families, faith communities, medical and social systems.

Since we interviewed Lorenzo, he has been elected as President of the National Black Catholic Seminarians Association (NBCSA), which seeks to contribute to the wellbeing of candidates for priesthood and religious life, with an emphasis on Black American, African, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-Latino candidates preparing to serve the Church in the United States and its territories. The Association is an affiliate of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus. The National Black Catholic Seminarians Association also cooperates with the National Black Sisters Conference.


From the Soweto Market (above and below)



Lorenzo comments on the above photo:
“I was walking home one day when I came upon these two boys in front of me. It was endearing to see the public affection they have for each other. They were inseparable and having a great time. I could not understand what they were saying because they were speaking Nyanja but their body language was endearing, playful, and sincere.”


Lorenzo shares about this photo, above:
“I thanked the wonderful lady next to me who let me help sell her fish for a while. She thought I was weird for asking. — at Soweto Market.”




A Mother’s Love: Nothing Is Greater


Delali Dogbe

For some today is Mothers Day. For some today is graduation. For Delali Dogbe it is Mothers Day. For her son Kelvin Garner it is his graduation from Whitworth College. They celebrated this day together at the North Central Care Center.

Do you remember the Whitworth freshman from Ghana whose story appeared in the March 1, 2011 issue of the Whitworthian? Since June 6, 2009 Kelvin has been semi-comatose. His mother, who left Ghana immediately when she heard of his accident, has been by his side for nearly three years.

We will be continuing Kelvin’s story later this week. Watch for future posts.

Receiving Honorary Alumnus Certificate

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Gonzaga University graduates deserve the honor of hearing him.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Nelson Mandela. Both men were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

A powerful network of right-wing Catholics is trying to ban Archbishop Desmond Tutu from speaking at Gonzaga University next month.

Archbishop Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his courageous opposition to South African apartheid, is beloved around the world as a powerful voice for peace and justice. But that doesn’t matter to the extremists who’ve been waging a McCarthyist campaign of fear and intimidation on Catholic college campuses across the country.

The Cardinal Newman Society, which led the opposition to President Obama’s commencement speech at Notre Dame three years ago, is circulating a petition demanding that the President of Gonzaga University disinvite Archbishop Tutu—but so far this time they only have a few hundred signatures. Let’s make sure Gonzaga doesn’t give in to the Religious Right!

That’s why I created a petition to Thayne McCulloh, President, Gonzaga Univeresity on SignOn.org, which says:

Archbishop Desmond Tutu is a powerful voice for peace and justice, and Gonzaga University graduates deserve the honor of hearing him speak at commencement this year. Don’t give in to the Religious Right extremists who are trying to silence him.

Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:

http://www.moveon.org/r?r=274584&id=39706-8463490-3keIT6x&t=2 <http://www.moveon.org/r?r=274584&amp;id=39706-8463490-3keIT6x&amp;t=2>


–Michael Sherrard, Faithful America

The text above was written by Michael Sherrard, not by MoveOn staff, and MoveOn is not responsible for the content.